DGE&T will appoint assessing bodies to assess the competencies of the trained persons. The assessing body will be an independent agency, which will not be involved in conducting the training programmes. This, in turn, will ensure quality of training and credibility of the scheme. Keeping in view the target of providing training/testing of one million persons through out the country and to avoid monopoly, more than one assessing bodies will be appointed for a sector or an area. These will also assist DGET to develop qualifications and standards for assessment through research and interaction with industry, trainers and academia.
Assessment of the persons will be done in designated Testing Centres four times a year by assessing bodies. Assessing bodies will select testing centres. The State /UT Governments will provide necessary support to the assessing bodies in selecting the Testing Centres. All VTPs and government ITIs affiliated to NCVT should function as TCs. The assessing bodies will provide details of selected TCs along with skill areas in which assessment can be done to the respective RDATs and State Directors. Testing Centres will enter have agreement with the assessing bodies for at least two years.
Successful persons will be awarded certificates issued by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT). The Assessing Bodies will send the list of successful candidates along with marks statement to respective Regional Directorate of Apprenticeship Training (RDAT) under DGE&T for issue of certificates. RDAT will issue certificates to the Assessing Bodies for dispatching to successful candidates by giving the details of competencies possessed by the trainee.